The Crucial Four Steps to a Fulfilled Life

Surrender Into Love by Lidia Kenig

Living a fulfilled life entails understanding our true nature, that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. As such, life presents us with opportunities that we generally see as obstacles, and our task in this journey is to learn to use these perceived negative circumstances to grow, thrive, become spiritually and emotionally free and share our joy with the world.

The process of painting Surrender Into Love assisted me in digging into my toolkit and take four crucial steps toward fulfillment.

The first step is to notice and appreciate when we are fully present.

The painting contains rough textures, and sharp, jagged, and wavy lines. There are shapes that abruptly intersect others, colors that create contrast, and gradations fading into the background. These depict the setbacks we encounter, and conflicts, pain, and heartaches that at times seem unbearable.

Yet, if we notice the prominent spirals, the bright colors, the soft circular swaths of sunny yellow and the hint of turquoise healing water, we may begin to see that these perceived bumps on the road are cosmically presented for us to practice presence.

Presence is the tool we need to master the art of discernment-to make choices aligned with our true selves, exercise free will, and notice the workings of a singularly human characteristic called ego mind and the more expansive heart mind.

The ego mind is what western psychology refers to as the mind. It is an abstract concept used to characterize thoughts that create brain impulses begetting mental constructs, feelings, emotions, and actions that are past referenced.

In Buddhist psychology, mind and physical heart are one multi-dimensional organ containing and including all thoughts, feelings and emotions, responses, intuition, temperament, and consciousness itself. The heart mind is present referenced.

The ego mind is reductionist while the heart mind is wholistic. They are both necessary for human functioning on this planet. The mind produces one random thought per second, or between 2500 to 3300 per hour, thus it is always active.

The heart mind is seen in Buddhism as wholistic. It encompasses the organ and its functions and ways of communicating with other organs.  It is receptive by nature, reacting through electrical impulses. The reactions appear as physical obstacles, such as illnesses, lack of resources and career problems, or as emotional and psychological disturbances, such as fear, anger, jealousy, blame and shame about ourselves or witnessed in others.

The second step is to consciously connect with the heart mind and allow it to guide the powers of the ego mind.

The multi-dimensional aspect of the heart mind also includes its connection to Spirit, or God, in the form of a metaphorical never-extinguishing light of love, that we are each born with, sitting at the heart center.

Meditation is the tool to cultivate the necessary presence to connect with this light of love in informing and guiding us intuitively and physically to optimally respond to phenomena, and to harness the powers of the ego mind in taking actions aligned with that light.

To meditate is to spend time with ourselves without coming, or going, plotting, or planning. It is a practice that teaches us to be in this moment, to be grounded, and in balance with everything. Simply following the breath flowing in and out through the nose, noticing physical sensations and thoughts and allowing them to come and go as if they were a passing car, for 5 to 20 minutes daily, will prepare us to discern the best thoughts to cultivate and actions to take, depending on the circumstances.

The third step is to expand our inner light beyond ourselves.

This step is learned as an outgrowth of meditation practice and is called visualization. It begins after the breathing process outlined above, and its purpose is to engage the senses in achieving a desired aim.

For this step, we focus the breathing as if it was coming in and out of the heart, and when ready, we begin to visualize (imagine) our inner light expanding beyond the body, to fill the room, then the building, and moving to the outdoor space surrounding the building to encompass flora and fauna, as well as people, known and unknown, and then include the sun, moon, and stars, seeing it all as sparkling centers of light.

Contemplating the brilliance surrounding us, we begin to understand and embody what Thich Nhat Hanh calls “interbeingness”. With our actions, thoughts, and beliefs we mutually affect everything!

And as we become more comfortable with being present, we realize that we have in fact mastered the eagle eye view. Guided by the heart mind, we can be close to the sun yet spot the smallest mouse on the ground and thus enter the field of unlimited potential.

The fourth step is to become one with the light of love all around us.

As we acknowledge our power to impact everything through the choices we make, and in what we create, through the thoughts we hold and in how we invest our time, energy, and resources, we shape the spiritual legacy we leave behind.

We are not inconsequential. Had we not been born at this time; our whole world would be missing a crucial part. We are each a valuable piece of the entire universe. This gives us dignity!

This last step will help us Surrender Into Love. It involves imagining and feeling our light of love being solid, and then wearing it like a coat of armor safely flying through the cosmos, seeing the bright colors in the painting as the light of love everywhere.

This is my definition of happiness. It means that no matter what happens, my baseline is happiness, and trusting the heart mind’s voice is the way to live a fulfilled life!

Bring Surrender Into Love into your favorite spot and live your best life.

Become a Competent Emperor by Finding and Transforming Limiting Beliefs

The Queen is free Now_Lidia Kenig Scher
The Queen Is Free Now © Lidia Kenig Scher

In Ancient China, Wu Zetian (624–705), was the first and only woman emperor. She possessed exceptional intelligence, uncanny political competence, and remarkable leadership abilities.

Married to two emperors, Taizong and his son Gaozong of the powerful and prosperous Chinese Tang Dynasty, she was respected and revered for her beauty and talents. Wu Zetian ruled for 15 years ushering in the Second Zhou Dynasty (690–705) upon the death of Emperor Gaozong.

Although during the Tang Dynasty women held high positions and enjoyed unprecedent freedoms, this Empress’ rule was the subject of much criticism and suspicion from courtiers and detractors.  Remaining undaunted, she ruled as the “Holy and Divine Emperor”.

Emperor Wu Zetian possessed a top functioning inner toolkit because she mastered a crucial tool: transforming limiting beliefs.

The painting here depicts it well. The image is of a regal, competent, proud, self-assured, and comfortable-in-her-own-skin monarch, aware of herself and her role in the world. Symbols of transformation dot her skirt, and flowing lines portray a flexible demeanor as she walks in the world.  Her mask implies a rich inner life, a command of her ego mind, and the ability to rule from her heart with resolve and utter presence.

Awareness and presence are precious tools that enable you to see the obstacles; your limiting beliefs and the key to living a wholesome and fulfilling life. These are the stories you’ve been telling yourself, and that come from perhaps a parent, a playmate, or a teacher who said something to you, or from a story you’ve seen in a movie, read in a book, or in other life situations you witnessed and impacted you.

These tools assist you in understanding that the stories/situations are now imprinted in your subconscious. Thus, when faced with similar situations, these imprints cause you to question yourself, they trip you, define your life and cement your beliefs.

The unchecked limiting beliefs dim the fire within and hamper your ability to believe in your innate power to manifest your dreams and to follow your passion.

Awareness born of Presence lead you to stop the damage and start feeding the Fire within you. Yes, there’s fire burning within you urging you to do what you came here to do: to lead an authentic and creative life.

To feed the fire within you must pull out and sharpen the Transformation tool, which is akin to the baton used by an orchestra conductor to help enhance their gestures and movements to make the directions clearer for the musicians they are conducting .

Imagine the baton as a hollow tube alchemically housing all the other tools as described in the previous 11 essays, starting with this post, of January 2023.

Inside the baton are:

Your treasures-skills and talents, your lofty aspirations, your committed intentions, the SMART goals you created, the gratefulness you feel for yourself, for others and for your life, your ability to see obstacles as gifts, and to navigate life as an unending sea of blessings, your meditation skills, the trust you have in the seen and unseen helpers, the understanding that we are all one, with each other and with nature and the cosmos, and your inspiring and empowering new life story.

You can wield the baton to magically guide you in uncovering your limiting beliefs, the fears, the doubts, and the mistrust your ego-mind created and wonder how differently you would be without them, then decide to erase, release, or transform them by applying Byron Katie’s Four Questions method of meaningful inquiry to what you uncovered, until all that is left is a clear stream of freedom and flow…until you can lead life like an Empress.

  • Question 1: Is it true?
  • Question 2: Can you absolutely know it’s true?
  • Question 3: How do you react—what happens—when you believe that thought?
  • Question 4: Who would you be without the thought?

Limiting beliefs are thoughts created by the ego-mind. These questions can open you to the possibility of ultimate transformation; the realization that if you can turn the thought around to clearly see the true you, shining your flame brightly, your now smokeless flame can make the necessary changes to allow what needs to come through you as you and in benefit to all.

The universe and your guides have been looking for that flame in you because it is the God seed, or what Wallace D. Wattles calls in The Science of Getting Rich, the “Formless Substance”. They have been praying for you and waiting for you. You are a cog on the wheel of the Universe. Without you, everything will have to accommodate to your absence. So, have the courage to step up, to be free and empowered like Wu Zetian and do your part, live your passion, believe in yourself wholeheartedly!

Hint: Meditating with the painting called The Queen is Free Now (prints only available), will go along way to summon all you need to become your authentic self, and live a creative life!

Change Your Life by Changing Your Story

Story Change by Lidia Kenig

You are a creator, and the subject of your creation is your joyful life experience. That is your mission. That is your quest. That is why you are here.” Abraham-Hicks

My long-held premise has been that we are born fully equipped to thrive in our lives. We come with a personal toolkit and discover each tool as we interact with nature in all its aspects, when we encounter obstacles, or when we relate to others.

With each tool we select, and each situation we face, we unconsciously assign meaning and thus create a story complete with set beliefs that, unless we become aware, faithfully live by throughout our lives.

The painting Story Change was created before a major health setback and on the hills of a major relationship breakdown. At the time, I wanted to understand what stories I was telling myself that unfolded in such drama, so I went into the studio and purposely selected an old canvas, in the hopes of using the good parts of my life thus far, to paint a more auspicious one.

My process of creating has always been spontaneous, intuitive, and devoid of judgment as images appear on the canvas, while the post meditation informs the spiritual takeaways.

I was surprised at the joy I felt every time I meditated with this painting.

The stark contrast between the happiness depicted in the finished painting and my then present life status was jarring.  Was I creating a fairytale? Was the painting an attempt to escape?

 Maybe underneath the turmoil, there was a happy person, filled with love, wonder, insight, and more, but at the time, I couldn’t find tools to effectively bring that joyous inner me into the present.

A week later, I had a heart attack and over time, with silence, patience, trust and resilience, I discovered that I had a powerful toolkit and consciously went about recognizing the various tools I could use to match the story in the painting.

Selecting the best tool is sometimes intuitive because they belong to the category of core values, such as experiencing awe at sunrise or responding to survival issues. At other times we must search for the right tool via self-exploration, by seeking advice from others, such as teachers, religion, philosophy, books, courses, social media, or by having witnessed how others dealt with the particular life situation.

Some tools need to be combined for best use, as when we witness events, situations and people that makes us feel powerless such as world conflicts or become the target of anger by those who are on a different life journey and timeline. Combining tools requires awareness, detachment, time, patience, trust and resilience leading to great growth.

Some tools are rusty, or malfunctioning and we don’t know how to fix them. Evidence of this are addictions, fear, anger, scarcity-mind and constant drama.

All tools and how we use them will spin stories that guide our lives into creating happiness or sorrow.

Clearly Story Change is a selfie created as a mirror (awareness) to help me change my story to match the Abraham-Hicks quote I chose to live by. It is imbued with light codes, a turquoise sky, rich clothing, and myriad of spiraled lollypops encouraging constant growth and transformation. The third eye, and the throat chakra are brilliantly open and clear, and the circle inside the mouth denotes a kind, and compassionate way of speaking. My wide opened eyes see what is real and what is truth, and my tanned face implies that the light of the sun is always guiding me.

My new story, born of keen awareness and self-exploration is that I am a creator, and the subject of my creation is my joyful life experience. That is my mission, my quest, and that is why I am here. I am willing to be a model for all who are willing to explore and hone the tools in their own kit.

Story Change can guide you in creating your best story, because the better your story, the better you are able to behold the horn of plenty and be your most joyous authentic self!

Visualize Story Change in your own space and it will serve you as support and reinforcement to change your life story!

 For additional assistance, email me to receive 9 concrete ways to change your story.

If You Only Open the Clear Eyes of Wisdom…

The Clear Eyes of Wisdom by Lidia Kenig Scher (c)
The Clear Eyes of Wisdom by Lidia Kenig Scher (c)

All that we need to be happy, joyous and abundant is already here within our reach. In fact, it is closer than we think. Yet, many of us do not believe it. We think that we have to plot, plan, cajole, entice, acquire, or strive. We are pretty sure that someone else knows more than we do how to…whatever! This attitude makes life a constant struggle to master what we perceive that others do better. We are even counseled to model someone we admire, so we sign up for another class, another teacher, another webinar to give us the power we don’t yet know we have.

I too struggled for many years with the not-enough syndrome. I didn’t know enough, I didn’t have enough, and a myriad of not-enoughs, and thought I could get it outside myself. The more I studied the scriptures, read the work of the great spiritual masters, and attended lectures, the more overwhelmed I became. I wanted to put systems in place that would help me achieve who or what I decided to model. What I missed is that what I wanted to model was a matter of remembering who I really was and opening my eyes to it.

One day when I was meditating on my misery and my lack, I asked for guidance and was pretty sure I would get an answer by entering the art studio. Within those four walls, there exists a different domain. What comes out of that domain is nothing short of miraculous to me. My hands are painting, or gluing, or splattering. I know that I mix colors and add findings and textures, but I also know that in that space all talking ceases. There is no thinking, nor judging. Moreover, when I am painting, I sense that in all my actions I am guided by an invisible yet powerful force that I learned to trust. And on that day, what came out was a biblical quote by Matthew on 13:12; 

“For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.

I remember feverishly writing the quote all over the large canvas. I vaguely recall cutting spirals of embossed paper, and relishing the blues and greens that became the ground for the piece. I smeared thick white acrylic paint and embedded glass pieces in it. A ruby like square caught my eye and got stuck in the middle of a swirl of glitter paint. Swaths of silver were dragged around, enveloping the shapes, and then…I stopped; I was exhausted. With the canvas now laid flat on a table top I went to sleep.

After a long dreamless nap, I sat in front of this 30” x 40” piece and realized its simple yet profound message.

 “Open your eyes and rejoice in the gifts you already have-you cannot give what you lack. Now that you know what you have, share your wealth for all to shimmer and shine.”

Looking at what I had co-created, and I really mean co-created, there was not argument. But this revelation also served to assert my deep connection to a greater power able to tap into a dimension heretofore unknown to me, save when I am painting. If I apply the same principles that rule the art studio, then I plug into this infinite knowledge that we all have, by virtue of who we are and feel immensely wealthy; unqualifiedly powerful. I also understood that by painting and writing about it I could let others know the truth of who they also are. “Through art is how I serve” became my motto.

The Clear Eyes of Wisdom is a multi-media on canvas painting inviting us to reflect on our innate spiritual nature, and our ability to intimately connect to Source. When we act as Spirit, we are wise. When we think as the Universe, we are magnanimous.  When we think of benefiting the many, we activate our generous heart and open wide the clear eyes of wisdom. Looking thus, we are one with God and that is what we model. Looking with the clear eyes of wisdom we see that we are abundantly powerful and enriched!

You can purchase the piece-original or prints by clicking on Spiritual Art Gallery and you too will have the chance to feel rich and powerful and try on wearing The Clear Eyes of Wisdom!

Walk Toward the New Earth and Manifest Your Dreams– The Ubuntu Reset

Reset by Lidia Kenig Scher

“What if what you want to be will only come about when you ensure that others get to be that as well? And what if all of humanity was on your team, working toward your good?”

Dr Judith Rich

Such is the spirit of the Zulu word Ubuntu, or I Am Because You Are

The painting I titled Reset, embodies Ubuntu and it expands to include everything there is, meaning that our dreams can manifest best when we recognize our inter-beingness with each other, and with flora, fauna, the earth, the sea and the cosmos.

With the depiction of an eclipse as a metaphor, we are invited to embark on the journey of reset toward a new earth. Along with contemplating the images, I propose practices helpful in navigating the shift, while accepting that it will be a slow and decades long process. However, getting onboard as soon as possible will enhance the quality of our lives now and manifest our best dreams.


No matter where we turn, we encounter conflict based in fear. We engage in wars grounded in ideology, and neglect to acknowledge that each faction desires happiness and wellbeing, albeit via different mental constructs that in actuality are not contradictory.

In confusion and despair, we cling to narcissistic autocratic leaders that promise peace, only to find ourselves mired in emotional, mental, and physical poverty leading to entrapment, divisiveness and lack of trust.  

Most of the world’s economy is based on acquiring status and things that we think will make us happy, and we are so busy trying to make a living and wanting to achieve, that we lack downtime to reflect, to relate, and to experience the truest joy of witnessing an awesome sunrise.

I could list many negative issues present in our world and that appear counter to the notion that we are moving in the direction of an earth reset, yet the lengthy 2020 COVID-19 worldwide pandemic indicates otherwise. During the lockdown, many of us learned to stay still, we looked within, found different ways to connect with our families, neighbors, and services, and had time to reflect on our lifestyles. The end result was a profound shift in the economy, in our work habits, in where we reside, in how we best learn, and in how we spend our time and resources.

Three years later we are still processing the shift. We resist change, we stumble, we question, we argue, we try new things from a new perspective, and we experience uncertainty at all levels. Yet I believe that these experiences ushered in an as yet unconscious earth reset.

The contradictions we witness appear to be caused by the outside, when in reality, they are within. Unconsciously we sense the big changes afoot and are afraid to move toward the unknown. Yet, if we accept that, like in nature, constant changes are actually the norm, we will realize that what is unfolding is not an obstacle to avoid or reject. In reality, it is happening on our behalf.

We are natural beings, no different from a tree, a fox, the weather, or a blade of grass.

A beautiful lotus emerges from mud, and a pearl oyster produces precious nacre when a parasite or even a grain of sand finds its way inside the shell!

As such, great forces are pulling us to experience changes all around, beckoning us to flow instead of to cling. The chaos, the insecurity, the lack of trust in ourselves and others, the scarcity and divisiveness, the wars and the extreme climatic conditions constitute the Perfect Order I discussed in an earlier essay, and mirror our inner conflicts, and our fears.


Are you ready to take responsibility for your life, take the leap and help with the Reset?

The practices below will be helpful in forging the path.

    1. Upon waking, spend 10 to 15 minutes stilling the mind by contemplating the painting as you breathe naturally. Don’t try to create meaning out of the images, Instead, immerse yourself in the art by visualizing yourself being inside and flowing within the space, with an open heart.

I begin all my artworks by breathing and staring at the blank canvas. Ancient philosopher Lao Tzu wrote that “to a still mind, the entire universe surrenders”. Thus, I allow what needs to come through me, to show up through shapes, colors and textures filled with channeled light codes of healing energy. The codes exist beyond what my mind can understand, and connect to the light cells in my body and by extension, to the cells of all who behold the art. What the images teach viewers maybe different from what they teach me.

2. Before embarking on any daily tasks, stand or sit and breathe: Inhale deeply through your nose, and exhale completely through your mouth. Repeat 3 times.

Deep breathing provides the sense of well-being, calmness, and focus akin to opening a new book, starting a new chapter, or planning a trip. There is expectation, and a delightful clearing of the mind necessary to better manage the task at hand.

3. Practice Forest Bathing, by spending at least 30 minutes daily in nature-no phones, no music. Just nature’s sounds, and sights.

Exposure to sunlight provides vitamin D, supports bone and muscle health, it regulates the immune system, blood pressure and sugar levels, maintains the health of blood vessels and keeps the brain working optimally.

Being in a forest is good for both physical and mental wellbeing. It is proven to reduce stress, improve hormone production, increase feelings of happiness, frees up creativity, and accelerates recovery from illness. The healing energy of a landscape provides comfort, inspiration, and a deep connection to all that goes beyond the mundane diversions of life.

4. At least once weekly, ask yourself, “how can I best express what needs to come through me, as me and in benefit to all”? And then, play!

If you start this exercise as described in #2 above, and open the heart mind, it will spur you to take the leap and create anything modeling how I paint.

You can take up knitting, baking, dancing, singing out loud, writing a poem, planting a small garden, or be inspired by collecting supplies to paint, make candles or work in wood. The idea is to put the practices listed above and stimulate your creative juices by doing something new for no reason.

 Important Notes

These practices provide the optimal fertilizer for dreams to manifest, help humanity embrace the spiritual power of creation, and cause blooms of goodness to shower on the new earth.

  1. No judging allowed. A painting is just that. A deflated souffle is an opportunity to learn more about baking it. A sweater is for nobody, and it can always be unknitted. The most important element of these practices is full presence and an open heart.
  2. Your presence on this earth is not accidental. What you do, think, or say affects everyone and everything around you. As written in the Ancient Upanishads, “when a blade of grass is cut, the whole universe quivers”. Your heart knows what is right, always.
  3. Have compassion for yourself and others-I Am Because You Are. Although we are interbeings, we are each on a very individual journey and timeline intersecting with everything. “No mud, no lotus” taught the Buddha. Learning happens only through obstacles, whether in relationships, or in life situations, because the obstacles happen for us and not to us.
  4. Control your mind by being a witness. Thoughts are real forces, yet they are the only things you can control. What you perceive is based on your past and cannot hurt you unless you allow it.
  5. Remember that what you want to be will only come about when you ensure that others get to be that as well. Consider all to be on your team, working toward goodness, and do your part by living authentically!

Harness the Power and Role of Trust in Manifesting Your True Dreams

The Sky Dancer Journey by Lidia Kenig

With trust, aspirations become sublime, intentions and resolutions are grounded in truth, goals effortlessly flow, and all you need to thrive manifests.

Trust is the feeling of absolute confidence in someone as being honest, reliable, and capable to assist you. It is also the firm belief that a certain set of circumstances will conspire to be beneficial to you, and that in each moment, and for everything, you are in the right place, at the right time.

Trust ensues when you engage with and maintain spiritual company. You can do this because, as Asa Hershoff explains, “your being is identical to the luminous expanse of the Buddha’s Mind…Just at a lower resolution”.

Through this relationship, you begin to notice that you are always guided, supported, and provided for. You can recall the many times in your life when help appeared from the most unexpected source, your needs were met, and desires manifested better than you could have imagined. These serendipities now cause you to be grateful, even blissful, and you understand that…

you are important to the perfect workings of our galaxy, and that if you were not here, something will be missing. This gives you power and dignity.


Such was the takeaway from the process of creating and meditating for the past four months, with the painting I titled The Sky Dancer Journey. Moreover, I understood that with trust, patience is truly a virtue!  

It was the sixth day of my Spring retreat when I asked my spiritual team for a message, or guidance on the next painting. For the third consecutive day I heard that the purpose of the retreat was to visualize the new pathway now unfolding, and that the prerequisite was to learn ways to release tattered and worn-out thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs in order to embrace a new sense of myself and my identity.

While preparing the canvas I received a poignant reinforcer. The date coincided with the eleventh anniversary of my father’s passing causing me to reflect on the impact he had on my creative expression.  Was there still more healing needed in that connection? I smiled.

Spiritually, the number 11 means that the present actions are aligned with universal truths regarding our unique life journey. While the number infuses great power to move forward and release emotional baggage, it also portents challenges to overcome.

Building trust is the optimal tool for taking the necessary leaps

My studio has always offered me a safe place to turn off the ego-mind and trust both processes and outcomes. What eventually appears on the canvas is just what I need to thrive as a healthy, happy person. The post-painting meditation is where I connect with my spiritual team, converse about the images, and distill what they are teaching me.

In recalling each painting session, I remember that at first, the being riding the mythical fish had the muddy purple robe started in the previous painting. On the second day, the robe took on powerful textures and richer colors within each of six folds. Throughout the following sessions, the background became more dynamic, depicting a fantastical sky that easily blended into a sea, while the mythical fish fins became bird wings.

Over the next two months and through consistent meditation practice, and patience, I saw that the human-like being riding the bird fish exuded confidence and spiritual power, because she felt protected and encouraged by the rainbow-colored robe she is wearing. Resembling armor, the robe was imbued with a magical power she could trust to freely ride in any dimension, anywhere she chose to go or do.

The magical power symbolizes what Tibetan Buddhists call Dakini-the female energy of wisdom or enlightenment. Roughly translated as sky dancer, Dakinis are unencumbered, alive, and creative. The term defies gender assignments, as it refers to the Yin energy of intuition, generally perceived as a flash of insight whose origin appears mysterious, and if followed, will prove to have been the perfect answer to a problem, or the resolution to a situation.

Dakinis are the unexpected helpers that show up in a conversation with a friend, or a stranger, in the paragraph in a book, or movie, or in a situation just witnessed from afar. They can be benevolent or wrathful, depending on the circumstances. They can be direct, intelligent, and daring, and fit in with the description of spiritual company as described in the third paragraph above.

HH Grandmaster Lin Yun, Rinpoche said that when a sincere practitioner seeks a way through a maze, help may come from around the corner, from the other side of the globe, or beyond the stars. You must trust that if you allow yourself to be helped with presence and patience, great reserves of support become available in any form!

Assistance from Dakinis requires presence learned through consistent meditation practice, inward or outward acknowledgment, and gratefulness for what is received. Manifesting desires, or resolving conundrums also demands patience devoid of worry about how and when the situation will be resolved, or intentions manifest.  

The Sky Dancer Journey helped me complete another layer of healing regarding my dad, and joyously embrace his and my Dakini role while I turned a significant milestone.

May you too heal with the art. Practice, and gain the skills to summon Dakinis, trusting that they will appear. Don the robe and feel powerful beyond measure, even if your mind tells you otherwise. Feel dignified in your uniqueness and recognize everyone else’s. Bring in love, and light through living authentically, through what you create, and in how you share your wisdom with those who find you on their path. You too can be a Dakini riding a magical bird fish, as the vehicle to support someone else’s intentions!

Staying True to Aspirations, Intentions and Goals Requires Accessing Universal Wisdom

The Magical Robe and the Pearl by Lidia Kenig Scher

What we want in life is based on the limited perspective of our human mind. And the goals we create to support our aspirations and intentions tend to fall short or not manifest, because we do not factor in Universal Wisdom.

If you regularly review the progress of your goals, and consciously connect with the vast field of universal wisdom holding the unknown, you have access to ancestral truths, ideas, potentials, and knowledge you otherwise lack. 

Choosing to spiritually empower this connection enhances your ability to tap into your higher consciousness. It is like getting a magical robe, a Supergirl cape. Through this relationship, you begin to understand your true nature; that you are a star, with a unique light, yet part of it all, with each star making a unique and important contribution to the well-being of the vast universe.

Accessing the field of potential is done through consistent meditation practice.

Creating a daily habit to abide in peace, to embrace thoughts and allow them to naturally flow in and out without grasping, aided by natural rhythmic breathing, develops presence, calmness, and an open mind. As in the words of Ancient Sage Lao Tzu,

                 “To the mind that is still, the entire universe surrenders

Thus, when what you planned for faces a bump on the road, instead of feeling frustration, you become as curious as a toddler. Such demeanor aligns your heart with the heart of the world, and causes you to discover new powers, entertain new ideas, access helpful relationships, and experience joy as you tweak your goals, scrap them, or formulate new ones.

The painting I call The Magical Robe and the Pearl, visually portrays the results of aligning with Universal Wisdom.

The Universal Mind is depicted on the upper left side of the canvas as fast spinning energy with a deep violet reverberating eye at its center. Golden light swirls and weaves itself toward the meditating figure on the right side, then easily wraps the empty space where the head would be, representing the still mind. The brilliance of the universe, along with its wisdom and ancestral knowledge surrounds the turquoise-colored clothed figure holding a pearl.

Turquoise symbolizes wisdom, prosperity, tranquility, and protection. It forms the triadic link between heaven, earth, and sentient beings, and assists in promoting spiritual growth.

The giant pearl is coated with drusy crystals, representing life’s obstacles as opportunities for growth and enlightenment. Pearl oysters react to parasites or grains of sand invading the shell by generating lustrous nacre and thus becoming even shinier. The wisdom gained by this way of looking at setbacks is implied by the gold and rubied bracelet on the meditating being’s wrist.

The meditating figure is witnessing a magical robe being woven by the universe, using threads-skills, talents, and knowledge from her human experience, and adding Universal Wisdom. She exudes a calm and humble demeanor, implying acceptance of who she is: a divine being, part of all. She is an authentic being that because of her innocence and curiosity is able to receive and share universal wisdom and serve the greatest good.

Aligned with universal wisdom is like wearing an invisible and powerful robe. You notice things you hadn’t before.  You honor your humanity, and your heart’s voice, and your light is more visible. You truly embody your aspirations, your intentions are clearer, and your goals manifest on their own time, better than you could have imagined.

Touch The Magical Robe and the Pearl, to see available purchase choices, email me to receive a meditation to help you in cultivating a still mind and access all that the universe is willing to happily give you as you walk your authentic, powerful, and sacred path.

The State of Your Lifeboat-A Timely Review

The image of a person on a well-weathered boat navigating a rough ocean and facing a bright sunrise on the horizon, is an apt metaphor for my mixed yet hopeful feelings about my S.M.A.R.T. life goals and the intended Timely review.

Timely, as opposed to timed, suggests that you be fiercely present to what you are attracting and closely monitor your state of mind as experiences unfold.

Although I do a weekly goals’ review, I had decided that I would use a pre-planned retreat for an in-depth check-in. Seven days of daily meditation abroad, silence, painting, writing, inspiring readings, and walking would allow me to mindfully assess my progress in living authentically.

Weathered Boat on the Sea of Unending Blessings was the painting that initiated the weeklong event, and it started as seen below.

When I faced the art on the following morning, something didn’t feel right. The canvas depicted how I was hoping things were going to be at present and not how it was actually progressing. The image was too” pretty”.

Undaunted, I contemplated the art to notice disappointment, regret, or anger at the fact that the retreat in Europe-one of my goals, had to be scrapped.

I wasn’t feeling any of it, yet I had to understand the “lesson” lurking in what was.

Accustomed to regarding obstacles as possibilities for growth, and having cleared my calendar, I decided to stay home, get some new canvases, and carry out the retreat as if I were away.

Playing with a tissue paper scrap to create a mind bridge, I began by cutting it until an empty boat, seemingly unfit for the journey emerged -see above. Contemplating this for an entire day to allow what needed to come through, I eventually fell asleep.  

The next morning, the back of a head with hair blowing in the wind materialized. It was I steering the weathered boat!

I began to understand that the weathered boat depicted parts of me I still hadn’t learned to love. Those were the doubts often plaguing me about my life purpose and questioning my inner wisdom, despite the numerous ways I receive validation.

I often choose not to hear and embrace such blessings.

The process of creating the art, and the fact that I was home instead of being distracted by the new environment, helped me grow. In the boat’s weathered walls, I saw the love and the wisdom garnered over my lifetime with the interiors, and the art I create and that anecdotally positively affects my clients, my family, and my friends.

The shaky looking vessel depicts the me that sometimes appears wobbly, and feels not good enough, but that in fact, is strong, wholesome, capable, wise, and fit to support others, as needed, in whatever life trip they are experiencing.

Empty of what no longer serves my journey, I steer my lifeboat, with unshakable faith, only carrying well-earned gifts, talents, and wisdom to successfully reach each day.

Fit to “walk on stormy seas”, I notice the bits of light in the water, implying that I can clearly discern goodness ahead, and even if a big wave stands in my way, the fiery star is always available to help me melt obsolete patterns of body, mind and spirit.

I am grateful to have spent a meaningful week doing what I love, growing and feeling the support and encouragement of my spiritual team. Weathered Boat on the Sea of Unending Blessings may help you to timely review the state of your lifeboat, see light in the setbacks and turn them into opportunities. It may cause you to shed what you no longer need, appreciate where you have been and what you learned, and bring into this present time all that which has served you in the past, if it will serve your highest good again now.

Boat on the Unending Sea of Blessings in a Room

What You Can’t See Affects You More Than You Know

Dental Office Reception Station

Art placement in the home or workplace constitutes a very important feature in the total design scheme. It emphasizes the theme, sets a tone for the space and it is used to enhance or offset a particular area. To orchestrate an optimal environment, a designer must consider objects’ size, shapes, colors and textures, and carefully appraise every element’s vibrational component.

Although art’s vibrational field cannot be readily seen, it deeply affects people living and working in the space

Whether the art is in the kitchen where everyone gathers. or it is positioned within clear view of an employee who sits by it day after day, people will naturally react sensorially to its presence, yet be unaware of its impact on moods, thoughts and actions.

A receptionist facing a problem with a co-worker or with a client may feel impatient and put-upon, or be hopeful and curious, while art quietly hangs behind her. Dinner time maybe something families look forward to or can feel inexplicably detached, while a vibrantly colored painting presides over the dining area. A strategically designed and placed mural may provide the very atmosphere to which a staff member looks forward to every day. In fact, staff working in front of the mural shown below, see it daily, but after the first month or so, “don’t even notice it anymore”. However, It affects them nonetheless. You may ask why?

Each form, shape, size, color, texture, pattern, rhythm, lines, materials and techniques used in creating the art is composed of atoms, molecules, and particles that work together by emitting energy or a vibrational field. Each action, thought, emotion, timing and space related to creating it, is composed of the same elements and it also emits a particular vibrational field.

Artworks’ energy field that begin with the artist’s intention at conception, once placed in an environment becomes a physical presence that “visually-speaks” the intentions through the media used, the composition, and the absence or presence of recognizable elements.

As windows into a different world, art’s visual imagery forces viewers to shut off human’s natural tendencies toward speech, eliciting emotional reactions to the piece without fully realizing it. After all it is just hanging there!

The mural in these photos, was created as a focal point for a busy dental office. It is seen by everyone who enters the clinical area, and it sits right across a large and bustling open reception station. It had to provide relief from the steady inflow and outflow of patients to and from treatment rooms, consultation stations and financial transactions for 3 to 4 clerks. It also had to control the movement in the busy and sometimes crowded hallway. It does all of it and more!

Painted on a rounded wall abutting the laboratory, the art is seen from the reception desk. The wall shape creates the sense that the graceful images happily dance beyond their view, encouraging people’s perception of spaciousness and ease. Patients checking out, and those going to the treatment rooms and clinical areas feel this ease and happily flow from one area of the building to another. The surrealistic style of the mural provides plenty of whimsy encouraging myriad of interpretations. The staff delights telling stories of patients and vendors reactions, the variety of meanings and the uncanny ability to yet discover new shapes, 17 years since its creation.

I intended for the art and every design detail throughout this dental office, to provide stability, continued growth to the business and sheer delight for all who use it. The 98” x 144” custom mural succeeded in every aspect.

Maxim: The visual environment can be insidious or enriching. Thus, every element must be carefully planned to serve the space’s purpose well!

When You Acknowledge Life as a Gift Peace and Joy Arise and Actions Are Effortless

The Gift by Lidia Kenig

Even if you have awesome aspirations, powerful intentions, and clear goals, and you feel blessed, it still may be difficult to manifest your heartfelt desires unless you better understand your role in the entirety of life.

In Osho’s words, “…you are not accidental. The world needs you. Without you, something will be missing in existence and nobody can replace it.”

When you acknowledge that your skills, your talents, and your life experiences have a profound impact on the world, and that others equally affect you, and that together you affect and are affected by nature; your aspirations, intentions, and goals acquire a new importance. You have clarity and resolve: you have gifts and must share them!

The painting I called The Gift offers the sun as a metaphor for what we take for granted yet has a crucial role in our lives. The sun drives weather, ocean currents, and climate. It moves the seasons and makes plant life possible. Life on earth would not exist without the fiery star’s heat and light at the center of our galaxy. And although we may not see it on a cloudy day, we trust that it is there, marking day and night.

To me, the magenta shapes in the foreground’s right represent humanity’s shared experience in navigating life, while a turbulent ocean peppered with glittery dots imply perceived and real perils, and the treasures to be found on the journey.

On the left we see “beings” on fire depicting an angry mob with one-sided resolve. Both groups can see the sun beyond the waves, yet depending on their personal journey, each perceives the scene differently.

People who see obstacles as opportunities understand that life loves them and compassionately witness groups who react to life with anger, create division, and travel a narrow path, propelled by the ego-mind.

Both have gifts to offer the other. Contrasts create wholeness, like the yin/yang symbol. One side can only exist because the other side does.

Understanding that we all have different talents, different tools with various levels of functionality in our life’s toolkit, allows us to take a long view, and see our aspirations, intentions, and goals, not as whimsical, but as sacred tasks. What we each think, do, and say matters!

Compassion arises as we acknowledge that we are all equally necessary for the optimal workings of the universe. Each being is as crucial as the sun that lights up the sky. Like clouds, sometimes our perceptions hide our inner light and causes pain and fear. In those times, we forget that the sun within is always there, while the earth in constant motion provides opportunities to change and align with that inner fire.

This trust is the ultimate gift because it brings about peace, joy and the desire to effortlessly manifest our light onto the world.

The Gift is available to remind you that you are not accidental. That you must honor your aspirations and intentions and with presence, monitor the goals you create to inspire you into effortlessly manifesting your best life!